Your dreams need a practical pregnancy plan free online information | practical pregnancy plan chart


practical pregnancy plan free online information

If you have a pregnancy plan, you just follow some tips. Once you get pregnant, you can follow a 1–9-month pregnancy plan. I have clearly explained in the 1–9-month plan how you can follow it during pregnancy. At the same time, I have given a chart that you can easily follow.


Months 1 to 3

  • Attend antenatal check-ups once a month. The first is the longest. Ask about special tests.
  • Stop smoking and drinking.
  • Make improvements in your diet now, as this is very important for you and your baby.
  • If you are employed, tell your employer when you need time off for antenatal care.
  • Start thinking about birth options and get information about hospitals in your area.


Months 4 to 6

  • Attend monthly antenatal check-ups. Write down questions to ask the doctor in case you forget.
  • Both nausea and tiredness should have passed, so take advantage by getting fitter—go for walks, swim, or join a pregnancy exercise class. Generally, fitter babies have easier births.
  • Write to your employer at least 21 days before you stop work to retain your rights to maternity leave and statutory maternity pay.
  • Send for catalogues and check for baby equipment. You will be too tired to trek around the shops when you are eight months pregnant.



Months 7 to 9

  • Attend antenatal check-ups once a fortnight at least for the 7th and 8th months and weekly for the last month.
  • Go to an experienced fitter for nursing bras. You will get better fit after your baby’s head has engaged.
  • Pack your suitcase about six weeks before your due date. Buy or hire a car seat to bring your baby home from the hospital.
  • Arrange some outings for after your expected delivery date; you could go overdue, and having things to look forward to and keep you occupied will take your mind off the wait.


Practical pregnancy plan chart

Component Description Free Online Resources
Preconception Health Optimize overall health and well-being. CDC Preconception Health - Mayo Clinic Preparing for Pregnancy
Folic Acid Supplementation Ensure adequate intake of folic acid for fetal development. March of Dimes: Folic Acid - American Pregnancy Association: Folic Acid
Understanding Fertility Learn about menstrual cycle and ovulation. The Bump Ovulation Calculator Fertility & Cycle Tracker
Nutrition and Diet Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. ChooseMyPlate: Preconception Nutrition - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Pregnancy Nutrition
Exercise Incorporate regular physical activity. American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Exercise During Pregnancy BabyCenter: Pregnancy Exercise
Emotional Preparation Address emotional aspects and stress management. American Pregnancy Association: Emotional Health - What to Expect: Pregnancy Stress Relief
Seeking Support Connect with others and seek guidance. Reedit: Trying for a Baby - BabyCenter Community


In this article, I have clearly explained how you can practically plan a pregnancy at the same time, how you can plan 1 to 9 months. In my opinion, if you follow these steps above, I have given you the you the same as the doctor also given.