Minor disorders in pregnancy and their management


Minor disorders in pregnancy and their management

Sometimes a minor problem can be more troublesome than its name suggests. If you have checked with your doctor and been reassured it’s not serious, try a self-help remedy as follows: Some common problems can be seen during pregnancy, and even minor issues can cause disruptions. Finally, I have some tips so that you can do it yourself.


1) Tiredness

One of the early signs of a pregnancy is tiredness. In the next few weeks, a 2-hour test in the afternoon may be needed in addition to eight hours of sleep at night.

In the later stages of pregnancy, sleeping may be difficult because of the increased bulk of the baby. Try lying on your side with your upper knee bent and supported by a pillow. Take a long, leisurely bath with warm water and warm milk at bedtime. It is essential to avoid spicy food as much as possible.


2) Morning Sickness

In the second month of pregnancy (or sometimes even earlier), you may experience some early morning nausea or vomiting. Morning sickness usually disappears spontaneously, but if symptoms persist, you should consult your doctor. You can generally relieve morning sickness by taking frequent, small meals. Avoid heavy meals and fatty foods.


3) Leg cramps

Painful leg cramps in the backs of your thighs and calves may occur during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. They can be relieved by massaging your legs and bending your feet upward to stretch the calf muscles.


4) Backache 

Pain is low down on the side of your spine or around your ribs. Try firm massage for lower-back pain and a larger bra size for rib pain.


5) Headaches

Sewing, reading, or watching television can cause eyestrain and mild headaches. If you have severe or persistent headaches, inform your physician.


6) Heartburn

Usually felt during the latter half of pregnancy, heartburn is characterized by a burning sensation in the stomach, often rising to the throat. If it is severe, your doctor can recommend something to help.


7) Heartburn

Indigestion may become the main complaint later in pregnancy. Symptoms are relieved by sitting propped up in bed.


8) Bowel problems  

Constipation is common during pregnancy. A balanced diet, including plenty of water, vegetables, and fruits, can provide you with the bulk you need.

Haemorrhoids (piles) may also occur during pregnancy. If they do develop, ask your doctor for something to help. After your baby is born, they will probably help. After your baby is born, they will probably disappear.


9) Stress incontinence 

When you cough or laugh, you leak a little urine. Pelvic floor exercises are the answer to leaking. Slowly tighten and relax the muscles between your legs without using your abdominal or buttock muscles. Do up to ten sets of these exercises a day.


10) Abdominal Pain 

Occasional Mild abdominal pain is natural, and there’s nothing to worry about as long as it’s not too severe.




Finally, all these minor problems are common, so don’t worry about them. These minor problems are not a big issue. If you consult a doctor, he will also advise you like this.