How to cure diabetes naturally simple way | Using home remedies

diabetes naturally cure

If you are diabetic, you will take some steps to regulate your blood sugar level. As we all know, diabetics cannot be cured, but we can manage and control it, therefore I offer some natural strategies to help you manage and cure permanently.

In Ayurveda, there is a permanent cure for diabetics, and several Ayurveda doctors in India have proven to heal diabetics completely.

Diabetes is a disorder in which your blood sugar levels rise above what your body can handle; if you use treatments and pills that fail to diagnose the root cause, it will surprise your blood, causing insulin resistance; and if you consume an excessive quantity of carbs, glucose levels will rise.

Common Symptoms diabetes

If you have any these types of symptoms so you should consult doctor for check-up, I have written below some major symptoms only you can find out easily

  1. Urinate more than usually
  2. Dehydration (More Thirsty)
  3. More Tiredness
  4. Weight Loss Fast (without any diet and exercise)
  5. Slow healings sores or cuts
  6. Dry Skin
  7. Hunger and Fatigue
  8. Blurred Vision
  9. Fungal Infection
  10. Pain or numbness on Foot (it will Damage Nerve damage)

Foods to eat diabetes (Diet)

Diabetes is mostly affected by carbohydrate intake, which is increasingly a major issue in the diabetes community worldwide. So we can control or heal permanently in a natural method; if you follow the diet, you will see benefits quickly. I will provide some foods you must eat.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale)
  • Bell peppers Leafy
  • Broccoli (green)
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes

Whole Grains

  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Oats

Lean Proteins

  • Skinless chicken breast
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Tofu
  • Legumes (beans, lentils)

Healthy Fats

  • Avocado
  • Nuts (almonds and walnuts)
  • Seeds (flaxseeds and chia seeds)
  • Olive oil
  • Canola oil

Low-fat Dairy

  • Curd
  • Fresh milk
  • Cottage cheese


  • Berries
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Peaches
  • Pears

Foods with Fibre

  • Beans
  • Raagi Bowl
  • Chapatti
  • Roti
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Fatty fish (All)
  • Flaxseeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts and almonds

Avoid Foods to Eat Diabetes

If you diabetes then you can avoid these foods, to control diabetes and increasing blood sugar Levels. Foods is playing major roll in diabetes so suggest if you maintain healthy diet you can easily control blood sugar.

  • Candy
  • Soda
  • Sweetened cereals
  • Sugary snacks
  • Sweetened fruit juices
  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Pasta made with refined flour
  • Processed snacks like chips and crackers
  • Fast food
  • Packaged snacks
  • Pre-packaged meals
  • Fried foods
  • Fatty cuts of meat
  • Processed meats like sausages and bacon
  • Butter
  • Margarine
  • Canned soups
  • Salted snacks like chips
  • Condiments high in sodium
  • Fruit juices
  • Dried fruits
  • Alcohol

Tips for Cure Diabetes Permanently (Natural Way)

Balanced Diet: to maintain diet in regular basis

Regular Exercise: do regular exercise like walking, jumping, swimming etc.

Weight Management: maintain healthy weight that can improves insulin to control blood sugar level.

Hydration: Drink plenty of water

Blood Sugar Monitoring: Regular check-ups for Blood sugar level how increasing and decreasing so that helps to give proper treatment.

Stress Management: avoid tensions and do Yoga or Meditation.

Enough Sleep: Sleep well minimum 6 to 8 hours.

Avoid Smoking: if you diabetic then avoid smoking

Medical Consultation: Regular check your blood sugar level it helps to cure fast.


Diabetes is not a major issue. If you find that the early stages of diabetes are treatable, I have provided all natural treatment options above. Home remedies or Ayurvedic methods to cure diabetes. Some medical specialists believe there is no solution for diabetes, but ayurvedic exports have proven that diabetes could possibly be permanently cured. If you have any chronic diseases before follow this methods you should medical expert.


What foods lower blood sugar immediately?

Some foods reduce blood sugar levels because they are naturally rich in nutrients; some examples are mentioned below. Non-starchy vegetables Nuts Seeds Legumes Apple cider vinegar Cinnamon Physical activity Green tea Chia seeds

How to reduce sugar level home remedies

Yes it is possible using some kitchen ingredients at home, many ways is there to control blood sugar levels naturally like healthy Food, Diet, exercise, hydrate, at the same time you can some foods so that balanced your blood sugar my blog I have deeply explained how to reduce diabetes in natural way.
